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Support Us

You can support the National Conversation South Sudan through the following means;



Fill in the form below for a chance to volunteer at various departments in NCSS

>> Volunteer Form <<



The revenues received by NCSS go towards the funding of various projects. Donations come from members, the general public and interested partners. NCSS’s Board of Trustees all the way down to voluntary groups in local communities are responsible for the funding of the Organization.

NCSS’s Board of Trustees all the way down to voluntary groups in local communities are responsible for the funding of the Organization.

Donations can be received in the following ways;

a) Donate Via PayPal –       

Paypal Donate NCSSD


>> Click To Donate <<




c) Donate via Mobile

Mgurush Mobile Money Transfer



Mobile No. +211 919 368569



c) Donate Via Bank

Equity Bank South SudanBank Name: Equity Bank, South Sudan
Bank Branch: Supreme Branch
Account Name: National Conversation South Sudan
USD A/c No. 2011211322228
SSP A/c No. 2011211322227
Swift Code: EQBLKENA



NCSS is still undergoing its official process of registering members. As of today, any individual or group who accepts and approves of the organizational concept is considered a general member. -->