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The Youth Agricultural Farm (YAF) – 2021


Tomato Revolution

The Tomato Revolution is a new interpretation of our liberation struggle’s concept of “peace through development”. It is the contention of the national Conversation South Sudan that the only way to commit our civil population to development, is through agri-business and this requires the modernization of the agricultural sector.


The Tomato Revolution is not an armed revolution, but revolution within the context of a South Sudanese renaissance. This will be achieved through a three-pronged approach of;


  1. The establishment of Youth Agricultural Farms as indigenous Cooperative Societies owned by the youth in the country side,
  2. The National Conversation- South Sudan (and affiliates) as a consultancy and capacity building network, and
  3. The Boma, Payam, County and State Administration as the main stake holders.


The NCSS shall advocate bridging the gap between the community and the state and national institutions. This mission springs from our belief that South Sudanese communities, in their various villages, had their historical and national socio-economic development halted.


However, with the end of armed conflict and the current peace process, we believe it is possible to contribute once more to the socio-historical development of our people.


Read the entire document below

Youth Agricultural Farm.Pdf -->